


What is Duty Cycle in Welding?

Updated: April 03, 2022 For the average layperson, there is much about welding that it is a mystery. Either they simply do not know or they are misinformed about it. This is often the case with terminology used within the industry, with the term “duty…
Derrick Irvyn
October 20, 2020

How Does Plating Process Work?

Updated: April 03, 2022 Metal plating is a process whereby a layer of metal is coated on an object that is made of a different type of metal. The purpose behind plating is to give a more pleasing look or to add the appearance that…
Derrick Irvyn
October 7, 2020

Types of Welding Flames

Updated: April 03, 2022 The welding flame is one of the most, if not the most important part of the welding process. The flame is what actually allows the weld to occur, as it heats the metal or filler so that it can be used…
Derrick Irvyn
October 4, 2020

Types of Welding Metals

Updated: April 03, 2022 Welding has become as much of an art as it is a science. These workers have become exceptional at using their tools to craft pieces of metal into buildings, bridges, even into art. It is truly remarkable. What makes the industry…
Derrick Irvyn
October 1, 2020